What’s Been Up Lately (Photo Of The Week 34, 2024)

In this post we talk all about this basketball court and absolutely nothing else. There's nothing else discussed. If you don't want to read about basketball courts don't read this post... Definitely not being sarcastic.

Back in October 2023, I’d just recently returned from a trip out west and I was itching to shoot a bit of what was happening nearby so with that in mind I…

Alright here’s the truth. This is a basketball court near where I currently live – and I shot this image most likely on my walk to work.

I’ve shot it many times over the years and while I think this image is nice – I’m not convinced it’s the best shot of the court I’ve got but here we are.

Now before I let you go about your day I have some updates to share!

Firstly, you might be wondering – “Zach where has all of the recent photography been?”. To tell you the truth I’ve not been taking too many photos recently – I’ve been incredibly busy prepping for my move.

For the first time in my life, I’ll be living long-term in somewhere other than Massachusetts. Colorado!

This is a state that I first visited back in 2018 and I instantly was blown away by the natural splendor the state held. I was further excited by how close an urban area was to the nature – and I knew that Denver was somewhere I’d want to spend some portion of my life. That portion starts now!

I’ve made it a point over the past few months to see as many of my friends and family as I can, burning the candle at not only both ends but from a point in the middle of the candle two – it’s been exhausting.

However the memories I’ve created from this summer will hopefully last me until I’m well beyond old and gray. Some favorite experiences have been:

  1. Trips to Vermont with my family and cousins.
  2. Finally trying Sarma
  3. Biking all over Boston.
  4. Countless nights on the roof watching the sun set and the city lights rise.
  5. Seeing all the family and friends I can and showing them the aforementioned roof.
  6. Having as much seafood as I can and re-hitting my favorite restaurants one more time.
  7. Watching sunsets on the Charles & going to Owl’s Nest once more.
  8. Plenty of Red Sox games with family and friends.

It’s been a life well lived over the past few months and it has rejuvenated me and prepared me for the next stage of my life – setting forth adn trying something new.

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