Photo Of The Week (Week 49, 2023): Traveling To Interlaken

Who doesn't adore a good train-trip?
Preparing To Board A Train To Interlaken

After exiting my plane from Edinburgh, I was in France. I didn’t know the language and thus began my backpacking trip through Switzerland and Italy. My first stop? The train station to get me to Interlaken, where I’d be staying at a hostel. The light and the grandeur of the station was enjoyable to photograph. It’s a lovely scene that I’m sure many have seen, but I wonder how many have photographed?


Basel, Switzerland


Spring, 2019


Nikon D800

The train ride was superb. Once I got my seat I rode in silence by a window (of course) watching the Swiss Mountains rise up out of the plains and begin to dominate the horizon. As we approached closer and closer to Interlaken I recall riding past alpine-lake after alpine-lake surrounded by some of the most awe-inspiring and imposing mountains I had ever seen.

Once I stepped off the train in Interlaken, I knew that I was in for a trip I wouldn’t soon forget. The mountains lay in any direction you looked and the pace of the town felt distinctively slower than the pace of Edinburgh, it was a welcome refresher.

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