Photo Of The Week (Week 1, 2024): White Wildflowers

When it's rainy and foggy in Mt. Rainier National Park what do you do? I pack up my camera - and hike the Lakes High Trail!
White Wildflowers

I believe this was taken the first day I’d been in the park. The day before had been a long commute from the Olympic Peninsula to Enumclaw, Washington. It also included me canceling my reservation near North Cascades due to forest-fires, but that’s a story for another time. Once I did reach the park it was awesome. The first day there was socked in with fog and rain. The weather didn’t disappoint me that much, I was enjoying the fact that I didn’t have to wake up for an early sunrise, instead just seeing where Mt Rainier took me. The White Wildflowers image from this day is one of my favorites.


Mt. Rainier National Park


July, 2021


Fujifilm X100V

As I drove along, eventually I reached a pull-out near Louise Lake. I threw my car in park, hopped out and began my hike. Louise Lake had caught my eye, and I felt like exploring.

My X100V was out and ready and after visiting Louise Lake I noticed these wildflowers. I toyed around with the framing of the scene and eventually managed to get this image I quite like. I love the way that the light gradually falls-off to nearly a complete black in the outer edges of the scene. The holes in the trees didn’t allow much light through and I managed to amplify the effect in post.

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