Beginning The Premier New England Landscape Photography Blog

I love New England. I love Landscape Photography. Do you know what there’s a shocking lack of on the internet? Blogs about New England Landscape Photography.

This site, you probably don’t know, is the culmination of something I’ve been trying to do for years. What started with a few posts on a Github-hosted HTML site, transitioned to authorship on Medium, and is now here – on WordPress.

This’ll be the second site that I’ve got under the CHNO. URL. (The other being which is my site for purchasing prints). The goal with this one is that I’ll be able to more finely tune and control everything about the site – to make sure that my readers (that’s you) get the best experience they can.

I’ve lived in New England most of my life (apart from a brief stint in Scotland) and I couldn’t be happier to have grown up here. It’s truly a paradise for the landscape photographer – and that’s why I’m surprised at how little content exists online for talking about landscape photography here.

I’m going to change that, this site will showcase a lot of the work and travel I’ve done shooting New England landscape photography.

While I will be talking about photography all over the globe (as I’ve been lucky enough to travel all over) – the majority of what I’ll be writing about will be a reflection of the majority of the travel I’ve done. That’s all been in New England. Join me on this journey and I promise we’re going to have a good time.

Franconia’s Notch | January 2023

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