A New Member Of The Family (Photo Of The Week 38, 2024)

In this post, we discuss the newest member of my family.

I’m excited to announce that you’re talking to the proud father of something truly special. When I picked her up she weighed in at 3,611 pounds. Her skin was blue with bronze accents and she had Symmetrical AWD.

That’s right – I’m talking about my new car, a Subaru Forester Sport.

After picking up the car a few weeks ago we’ve really hit the ground running. We’re nearing on the fabled 1000 mile mark, where I’ll officially be able to rev the engine up as much as I want while being outside of the “engine break in period”. I doubt I’ll take the car out of the Sport Sharp driving mode after that – it’s just far too much fun.

I shot the image above on September 29th, 2024. Nearing what I reckon is peak foliage for the part of Colorado where that image was taken. I was running a long-exposure and realized that by repeatedly locking my car the orange blinkers on the front and side of my car would repeatedly light up – and by repeating the process a few times in a row I was able to produce this above image – one I’m quite happy with.

I took many other images I’m happy with that weekend – we’ll go over them soon. Right now I’m too busy cooking (figuratively – I literally cooked earlier today).

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